
My name is Sven Parthie, I am an experienced massage therapist and Coach. My work focusses on stress management, stress and pain relief as well as burn-out prevention.


As a massage therapist, I have year's of experience in pain relief, stress reduction and relaxation. My massages focus on muscular tensions and trigger point therapy, thereby adressing the most common problems occuring due to stress, sports, wrong working and body posture. You can learn more about my massage offers here.


I realised soon that massages often help to address underlying mental issues, that cause anxiety, sleeping problems, headaches, backpain and other psychosomatic symptoms. Therefore, I started to get training in Coaching and psychotherapy, to combine the psychological benefits of massages and body awareness with coaching. You can find my coaching offers on www.no-more-stress.be


New Prices in July

A new pricelist will be valid as of 01st July. You can still get a new abonnement or voucher for the old price till 30th June - a good chance to save a bit. All abonnements and vouchers stay valid, of course. The new pricelist can be found here.

Massage Newsletter June


The new Massage Therapy Newsletter is out:



Only 2 places left:

Next Massage Class on 29th June


You want to learn some basic massage techniques? Want to spoil your partner or friends after a hard day's work? This class includes a theoretical instruction to massages and practical massage lessons for the whole body, focused on the back & neck. We will work in pairs, so please be prepared to massage and get massaged.


The next date: 29th June 2024 at 10am. If you are interested, please register by email.

You can  find more detailed information here.

New 20h Abonnement


For my very faithful and determined massage clients, I offer a 20h massage abonnement in addition to the existing abonnements of 3, 5, and hours now. This also is the ideal gift for couples to share. The 20h massage abonnement is available for 1100,- € and will be valid for 4 years.


To introduce the 20h abonnement, I also offer a two hour bonus on top for all newsletter subscribers till 31st May. You can order this abonnement by email or with your next booking.

Afternoon Special

I offer the following special rates between 2pm and 4pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays:


Back & neck 30 min. 34,- €

Deep Tissue 45 min. 47,- €

Deep Tissue 60 min. 60,- €

Deep Tissue 90 min. 88,- €


For students, unemployed, shift workers or artists a way to have the luxury of a massage at an affordable rate. The offer is not valid for house calls.

Subscribe to my regular Massage Newsletter

* indicates required


Sven Parthie

Massage Therapist & Coach

Rue du Grand-Duc 53

1040 Brussels


Email: contact@sven-parthie.be

Telephone: +32 (0)487 / 236346

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