As the Deep Tissue Massage, the Back & Neck Massage is specifically designed for clients with strong muscular tensions and pain relief. While the Deep Tissue Massage is covering the whole body, the Back&Neck version is solely designed for reducing office related stress in the upper body.
Deep Tissue Massages are specifically designed for clients with strong muscular tensions and pain relief. Based on classique massage techniques and using friction and triggerpoint massage grips, these tensions can be reduced or even completely vanish after some treatments. Of course, these massages will also reduce stress levels.
Sports massages are designed for recovering after matches or hard work-outs. Using classical massage techniques as well as stretching and vibrations, the sports massage is not as strong as the deep tissue massage, if there are no particularly tense muscle areas involved. Best taken directly after sports, a short sports massage can also be useful right before a longer or important sports event, to warm up muscles and get rid of muscular tensions in advance.
Trigger point therapy is focussing on the treatment of pain caused by muscular tensions and blockages. Through pressure on the trigger points, which are irritable spots in the muscle fibre, pain and tension in the local and broader muscular areas are reduced, sometimes even in distant areas of the body - so called referred pain. This technique is highly effective for stress-related tension.
The relaxation massage will help you to get rid of stress and fatigue. It is also based on classic massage techniques but has a much softer touch than the deep tissue massage. It will still reduce muscular tension by improving the blood flow and activating the lymph system. A relaxation massage is something to enjoy, getting lost in the moment, freeing your mind and relax. If you want to, the perfect addition to a relaxation Massage is a short Facial or a foot massage.
This massage is highly effective at reducing stress-related problems such as heavy legs, swollen hands, dark rings under the eyes etc. The technique applied for this massage is called lymphodrainage and is having a great effect on the composure of your skin. As a result, it works against Cellutlitis as well. This is due to draining effect, which is activating the lymphatic system.
A facial massage is a very relaxing massage, excellent for stress relief and working against headaches. Might be well-combined with a back&neck massage to get rid of the typical problems occurring from working in an office or a stressful working period.