I organize different workshops and seminars on various topics concerning stress management, burn-out prevention, body awareness and relaxation techniques. Weekend or week seminars might include hikes or other sports activities.
Quarterly Workshops
I am organizing regular workshops on topics related to stress management, stress reduction and productivity. The workshops aim to address different aspects of stress in our modern environment. TThe sessions will cover stress symptoms, body awareness, coping strategies, procrastination, relaxation techniques, task management, etc. Apart from the input by the coach, workshops are based on active participation as well as the experience and needs of the participants. Challenging your previous stress reactions and work habits is the basis for improvement, so don't be afraid to do that.
You will find the next date and the topic below. As places are limited, please reserve in advance by email.
Special Stress Management Workshop:
"Christmas Anxiety: Ways to deal with family obligations and awkward relations"
Date: 19th December 2019 at 18:00h
Place: The Mug, "Kenya Room", 6-8 rue Charles Martel, Brussels
Participation Fee: 25,- € pp, Participants: max. 8
please register by email
Upcoming Dates and Topics:
Relaxation & Stress Management Retreat
The next Relaxation and Stress management retreat will take place from 27th till 29th September 2019 in the Ardennes (Daverdisse). The participation fee is 300,- €, or only 250,- € if you reserve before 15th August. For further information please send me an email. Please find the preliminary programme and a picture gallery below:
Preliminary Programme:
27th September
19h Arrival + light dinner
20h Welcome / Introduction of the programme, facilities and participants
21h Introduction to Progressive Muscular Relaxation
28th September
8h Breakfast
9:30h Hiking / Exercises in Body Awareness
13h Lunch
15 - 18h Hiking / Stress Awareness & Relief
16:30h Coffee break
18:30h Dinner
20h Reflection of the day / Relaxation Exercise
29th September
8:30h Breakfast
10h Stress, relaxation and individual belief systems: How to activate your ressources
11:30 h Evaluation of the weekend
12:30 h Lunch
14h End of seminar